Amir al-mu'minln Ali (upon whom be peace) was the son of Abu Talib, the Shaykh of the Banu Hashim. Abu Talib was the uncle and guardian of the Holy Prophet (sawas) and the person who had brought the Prophet (sawas) to his house and raised him like his own son. After the Prophet (sawas) was chosen for his prophetic mission, Abu Talib continued to support him and repelled from him the evil that came from the infidels among the Arabs and especially the Quraysh.
According to well-known traditional accounts Ali was born ten years before the commencement of the prophetic mission of the Prophet (sawas). When six years old, as a result of famine in and around Mecca, he was requested by the Prophet (sawas) to leave his father's house and come to the house of his cousin, the Prophet (sawas). There he was placed directly under the guardianship and custody of the Holy Prophet (sawas).
A few years later, when the Prophet (sawas) was endowed
with the Divine gift of prophecy and for the first time received the Divine revelation in the cave of Hira', as he left the cave to return to town and his own house he met Ali on the way. He told him what had happened and Ali accepted the new faith. Again in a gathering when the Holy Prophet (sawas) had brought his relatives together and invited them to accept his religion, he said the first person to accept his call would be his vicegerent and inheritor and deputy. The only person to rise from his place and accept the faith was Ali and the Prophet (sawas) accepted his declaration of faith. Therefore Ali was the first man in Islam to accept the faith and is the first among the followers of the Prophet (sawas) to have never worshipped other than the One God.
Ali was always in the company of the Prophet (sawas) until the Prophet (sawas) migrated from Mecca to Medina. On the night of the migration to Medina (hijrah) when the infidels had surrounded the house of the
Prophet (sawas) and were determined to invade the house at the end of the night and cut him to pieces while he was in bed, Ali slept in place of the Prophet (sawas) while the Prophet (sawas) left the house and set out for Medina. After the departure of the Prophet (sawas), according to his wish Ali gave back to the people the trusts and charges that they had left with the Prophet (sawas). Then he went to Medina with his mother, the daughter of the Prophet (sawas), and two other women.
In Medina also Ali was constantly in the company of the Prophet (sawas) in private and in public. The Prophet (sawas) gave Fatimah, his beloved daughter from Khadijah, to Ali as his wife and when the Prophet (sawas) was creating bonds of brotherhood among his companions he selected Ali as his brother.
Ali was present in all the wars in which the Prophet (sawas) participated, except the
battle of Tabuk when he was ordered to stay in Medina in place of the Prophet (sawas). He did not retreat in any battle nor did he turn his face away from any enemy. He never disobeyed the Prophet (sawas), so that the Prophet (sawas) said, "Ali is never separated from the Truth nor the Truth from Ali."
On the day of the death of the Prophet (sawas), Ali was thirty-three years old.
Although he was foremost in religious virtues and the most outstanding among the companions of the Prophet (sawas), he was pushed aside from the caliphate on the claim that he was too young and that he had many enemies among the people because of the blood of the polytheists he had spilled in the wars fought alongside the Prophet (sawas). Therefore Ali was almost completely cut off from public affairs. He retreated to his house where he began to train competent individuals in the Divine sciences and in this way he passed the twenty-five years of the caliphate of the first three caliphs who succeeded the Prophet (sawas). When the third caliph was killed, people gave their allegiance to him and he was chosen as caliph.
During his caliphate of nearly four years and nine months, Ali followed the way of the Prophet (sawas) and gave his caliphate the form of a spiritual movement and renewal and began many different types of reforms. Naturally, these
reforms were against the interests of certain parties that sought their own benefit. As a result, a group of the companions (foremost among whom were Talhah and Zubayr, who also gained the support of A'ishah, and especially Mu'awiyah) made a pretext of the death of the third caliph to raise their heads in opposition and began to revolt and rebel against Ali.
In order to quell the civil strife and sedition, Ali fought a war near Basra, known as the "Battle
of the Camel," against Talhah and Zubayr in which Ummul Mu'mineen A'ishah, was also involved. He fought another war against Mu'awiyah on the border of Iraq and Syria which lasted for a year and a half and is famous as the "Battle of Siffin. " He also fought against the Khawarij at Nahrawan, in a battle known as the "Battle of Nahrawan." Therefore, most of the days of Ali's caliphate were spent in overcoming internal opposition. Finally, in the morning of the 19th of Ramadan in the year 40 A.H., while praying in the mosque of Kufa, he was wounded by one of the Khawarij and died as a martyr during the night of the 21st of Ramadan. ![]()
According to the testimony of friend and foe alike, Ali had
no shortcomings from the point of view of human perfection. And in the Islamic virtues he was a perfect example of the upbringing and training given by the Prophet (sawas). The discussions that have taken place concerning his personality and the books written on this subject by Shi'ites, Sunnis and members of other religions, as well as the simply curious outside any distinct religious bodies, are hardly equalled in the case of any other personality in history.
In science and knowledge Ali was the most learned of the
companions of the Prophet (sawas), and of Muslims in general. In his learned discourses he was the first in Islam to open the door for logical demonstration and proof and to discuss the "divine sciences" or metaphysics (ma'arif-i ilahlyah). He spoke concerning the esoteric aspect of the Quran and devised Arabic grammar in order to preserve the Quran's form of expression. He was the most eloquent Arab in speech (as has been mentioned in the first part of this book).
The courage of Ali was proverbial. In all the wars in which he participated during the lifetime of the Prophet (sawas), and also afterward, he never displayed fear or anxiety. Although in many battles such as those of Uhud, Hunayn, Khaybar
and Khandaq the aides to the Prophet (sawas) and the Muslim army trembled in fear or dispersed and fled, he never turned his back to the enemy. Never did a warrior or soldier engage Ali in battle and come out of it alive. Yet, with full chivalry he would never slay a weak enemy nor pursue those who fled. He would not engage in surprise attacks or in turning streams of water upon the enemy. It has been definitively established historically that in the Battle of Khaybar in the attack against the fort he reached the ring of the door and with sudden motion tore off the door and cast it away. Also on the day when Mecca was conquered the Prophet (sawas) ordered the idols to be broken. The idol "Hubal" was the largest idol in Mecca, a giant stone statue placed on the top of the Ka'bah. Following the command of the Prophet (sawas), Ali placed his feet on the Prophet (sawas)'s shoulders, climbed to the top of the Ka'bah, pulled "Hubal" from its place and cast it down.
Ali was also without equal in religious asceticism and the worship of God. In answer to some who had
complained of Ali's anger toward them, the Prophet (sawas) said, "Do not reproach Ali for he is in a state of Divine ecstasy and bewilderment. ![]()
" Abu Darda'', one of the companions, one day saw the body of Ali in one of the palm plantations
of Medina laying on the ground as stiff as wood. He went to Ali's house to inform his noble wife, the daughter of the Prophet (sawas), and to express his condolences. The daughter of the Prophet (sawas) said, "My cousin (Ali) has not died. Rather, in fear of God he has fainted. This condition overcomes him often." There are many stories told of Ali's kindness to the lowly, compassion for the needy and the poor, and generosity and munificence toward those in misery and poverty. Ali spent all that he earned to help the poor and the needy, and himself lived in the strictest and simplest manner. Ali loved agriculture and spent much of his time digging wells, planting trees and cultivating fields. But all the fields that he cultivated or wells that he built he gave in endowment (waqf) to the poor. His endowments, known as the "alms of Ali," had the noteworthy income of twenty-four thousand gold dinars toward the end of his life. | ||||||||||||||||||
ZIARAAT | ||||||||||||||||||
Ziarat-e-Ameenallah To be recited at his shrine Ziarat-e-Mutlaqah To be recited on Sunday To be recited on 17 Rabiul Awwal To be recited at Eid-e-Ghadeer (1) To be recited at Eid-e-Ghadeer (2) To be recited at Shab-e-Besat Wida / farewell ziarat Salwat recited when visiting Madina Salwat on Imam Ali (as) Dua after Ziarat of Imam Ali (as) | ||||||||||||||||||
BOOKS | ||||||||||||||||||
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About Mola ALI A.S
sourse 2
All the human beings experience ups and downs and face different problems in life The individuals , usually get weak and unable when facing a problem and try with the aid and guide of the experts to save themselves from the trouble;And by finding the "examples" in any field , and then following them , perform their duties in the best way as to solve their problems and relieve their pains. One of these examples is the honoured prophet (A.S) whom the holy koran has described (indentified) as such.
Other than the messenger of God (A.S) , if we look for another example and replacement for his holiness we would find a great example as the (leader of the) pious his holiness Imam Ali (A.S). Morals and behaviour, to go through his holiness ups and downs, and amazementsof life .
Manner of birth:
His holiness Ali (A.S) is the first child in the family of Bani-Hashem whose both parents are children of Hashem. His father Abu-Taleb is the son of Abdul-Mottaleb the son of Hashem bin Abd-Manaf and his mother is fatemah the daughter of Asad who is the son of Hashem bin abd-manaf. The Hashemi family in the tribe of Qoraish is well-known (famous) for its moral virtues and high (supreme) humanistic characteristics among the Arab tribes.
Magnanimity, generosity, courage and so many other virtues are characteristics of Bani-hashem.Moreover, each of these virtues at its high
est degree exist in his holiness Ali's (A.S) existence. Fatemah, the daughter of Asad went to the holy mosque when labour pain and came close to the wall of Kabaa and said : O God, I have f
irm faith in you,the prophets and the books sent by you and also the speech of my grand father the builder of this house . O God, in consideration to the respect of the one who built this house and for the sake of the child in my womb make the birth of this child easy. An instant later,
in front of the eyes of Abbass bin Abdul-Mottaleb and Yazeed bin Taaf the south east wall of Kabaa cracked and Fatemah entered the Kabaa; the wall closed again.
est degree exist in his holiness Ali's (A.S) existence. Fatemah, the daughter of Asad went to the holy mosque when labour pain and came close to the wall of Kabaa and said : O God, I have f
irm faith in you,the prophets and the books sent by you and also the speech of my grand father the builder of this house . O God, in consideration to the respect of the one who built this house and for the sake of the child in my womb make the birth of this child easy. An instant later,
in front of the eyes of Abbass bin Abdul-Mottaleb and Yazeed bin Taaf the south east wall of Kabaa cracked and Fatemah entered the Kabaa; the wall closed again.
She was the guest of God for three days in the holiest place in the universe and their she gave birth to her child. Three days after the thirteenth
of Rajab, thirty years passed the year of the Elephat;Fatemah , the daughter of Asad, came out of the same cleavage in wall which opened again and said: I heared a message from the unsean to call him Ali.
of Rajab, thirty years passed the year of the Elephat;Fatemah , the daughter of Asad, came out of the same cleavage in wall which opened again and said: I heared a message from the unsean to call him Ali.
Period of childhood:
His holiness Ali stayed with his parents. Since it wa
s God's well for him to gain more perfection, therefore, the honoured prophet from the beginning of his birth took care of his indirect education.
s God's well for him to gain more perfection, therefore, the honoured prophet from the beginning of his birth took care of his indirect education.
Untill an unsual famine occurred in Mecca.Abu-Taleb the uncle of the prophet having many children faced a heavy living expense. The honoured prop
het (A.S) with the consultation of his uncle Abbass,came to agreement that each one of them take one of the children of Abu-Taleb with him as to make a relief for Abu-Taleb. Therefore Abbass took Jaffar and the prophet (A.S) took Ali (A.S) to his house.
het (A.S) with the consultation of his uncle Abbass,came to agreement that each one of them take one of the children of Abu-Taleb with him as to make a relief for Abu-Taleb. Therefore Abbass took Jaffar and the prophet (A.S) took Ali (A.S) to his house.
In this way his holiness Ali (A.S) was completely besides the prophet (A.S).Ali (A.S) was always accompanying the prophet (A.S) even when the prophet (A.S)would leave to town and go to the mountain and desert.
Appointment of the prophet (A.S) and his holiness Ali (A.S):
There is no doubt that acceleration in good deeds is a kind
of privilege virtue and (the exalted) God in several verses asked his salves to perform them and called them to compete with each other. One of the virtues of his holiness Ali (A.S) is that he is the first one to believe in the prophet (A.S).Ibn Abeel Al-Hadeed says related to this : Know that among the great , big and scholastic theologians of the Mutazilites there is no dispute that Ali bin Abee-Taleb is the first person to believe in Islam; and to support the messenger of God.
of privilege virtue and (the exalted) God in several verses asked his salves to perform them and called them to compete with each other. One of the virtues of his holiness Ali (A.S) is that he is the first one to believe in the prophet (A.S).Ibn Abeel Al-Hadeed says related to this : Know that among the great , big and scholastic theologians of the Mutazilites there is no dispute that Ali bin Abee-Taleb is the first person to believe in Islam; and to support the messenger of God.
His holiness Ali (A.S) the first supporter to the honoured prophet (A.S) :
After the revelation of God , the selection of his
holiness the prophet Mohammad (A.S) for prophethood and the three years of secret preaching, finally,the messenger of revelation arrived and the order for public preaching was given.
holiness the prophet Mohammad (A.S) for prophethood and the three years of secret preaching, finally,the messenger of revelation arrived and the order for public preaching was given.
At this juncture, his holiness Ali (A.S) was
the only enforcer of the prophet (A.S) plans in his divine propagation; And was the only companion and sympathetic to his holiness in the invitation arranged to acquainte his relatives to Islam and to call them to the religion of God.In this invitation the prophet (A.S) asked the people present: "who is among you to help me in this way so to be my brother, successor and representative among you". Only Ali (A.S) answered :
"O prophet of God, I will support you in this way".
the only enforcer of the prophet (A.S) plans in his divine propagation; And was the only companion and sympathetic to his holiness in the invitation arranged to acquainte his relatives to Islam and to call them to the religion of God.In this invitation the prophet (A.S) asked the people present: "who is among you to help me in this way so to be my brother, successor and representative among you". Only Ali (A.S) answered :
"O prophet of God, I will support you in this way".
The prophet (A.S) after three times repeating the
question and hearing the same answer said : O my relatives ; Know that Ali (A.S) is my brother , successor and Caliph after me among you. Of the other glories of his holiness Ali (A.S) is his perfect courage in sleeping in the prophet's (A.S) bed , therefore, nullifing the plot o
f the idol-worshipers to kill the prophet; And , farthermore, prepared the ground for the prophet's (A.S) migration.His holiness Ali (A.S) after the migration :After the migration of his holiness Ali (A.S) and the prophet (A.S) to Madina, we explain two examples of the virtues of Ali (A.S):1- Self-sacrifice and endangering in the
field of struggle His presence in 26 battles of the 27 battles of the prophet (A.S) and participation in different expeditions are of the glories and virtues of his holiness.2- Registering (keeping) and writing the revelation [koran]: Writing the revelation, organizing (arranging) many of the historical and political documents and writing propagational and invitation letters, both in Mecca and Madina, And for this reason he is considered one of the writers of the revelation and memorizers of the Koran.
question and hearing the same answer said : O my relatives ; Know that Ali (A.S) is my brother , successor and Caliph after me among you. Of the other glories of his holiness Ali (A.S) is his perfect courage in sleeping in the prophet's (A.S) bed , therefore, nullifing the plot o
f the idol-worshipers to kill the prophet; And , farthermore, prepared the ground for the prophet's (A.S) migration.His holiness Ali (A.S) after the migration :After the migration of his holiness Ali (A.S) and the prophet (A.S) to Madina, we explain two examples of the virtues of Ali (A.S):1- Self-sacrifice and endangering in the
field of struggle His presence in 26 battles of the 27 battles of the prophet (A.S) and participation in different expeditions are of the glories and virtues of his holiness.2- Registering (keeping) and writing the revelation [koran]: Writing the revelation, organizing (arranging) many of the historical and political documents and writing propagational and invitation letters, both in Mecca and Madina, And for this reason he is considered one of the writers of the revelation and memorizers of the Koran.
It was in this period that the prophet (A.S) issued the decree of Moslems brotherhood, concluded the contract of brotherhood with his holiness Ali (A.S) and said to his holiness Ali (A.S): "You are my brother in this world and in the here after, swearing by the God who has appointed me with the truth. I choose you as my brother, a brotherhood that is to the extent of both worlds".
His holiness Ali (A.S) the son-in-law of the honoured prophet (A.S):Omar and Abu-Bakr with the consulation with Saad Maath the head of the tribe of Aws realized (found out) that there is no body other than Ali (A.S) competent (appropriate) for Zahra (A.S) . therefore, when Ali (A.S) was among the trees of the garden of one of the Ansar busy watering. They suggested this subject to him and he said : "I love the daughter of the prophet (A.S). "And went towards the house of the prophet (A.S) . When he reached to the honoured prophet (A.S) the glory of the presence of the prophet (A.S) prevented him from speaking until the honoured prophet (A.S) asked for the reason for his return;Then his holiness Ali (A.S) depending on his virtues , piety and bright past in Islam said: "do You deem it wise for me to marry Fatemah". After the acceptance of Zahra (A.S) his holiness Ali (A.S) won becoming the son-in-law of the honoured prophet.
The pond of Khom :
In the last Year of his holiness the prophet's (A.S) life , after finishing the rituals of piligrammage and when returning in a place called the Khom pond close to Johfa , he Ordered to stop, because the revelation commanded the prophet (A.S) to complete his message.After the noon prayer the prophet went up the (minbar) pulpit of the camels' saddles and said: "O people, it is soon that I answer the call of God and go from among you. what do you think about me" .People said: "we witness that you have propagated the religion of God".Prophet (A.S) said:" Don't you witness that there is no God but the one God and Mohammad is his slave and messenger".People said:"Yes, we witness".Then the prophet (A.S) raised the hand of his holiness Ali (A.S) and said:"O People! among the believers who is more worthy than them selves.People said : "God and his prophet know better" .Then the prophet said:" O People who ever Iam his master and leader; Ali is his master and leader.And repeated this sentence three times.then the people congratulated this selection to his holiness Ali (A.S) and swore allegience to him.
His holiness ali (A.S) after the death of the honoured prophet (A.S) :
After the death of the honoured prophet (A.S) because of special conditions that arised, his holiness Ali (A.S) with draw from the scene of the society and choose silence; He neither participated in any struggle nor spoke officially in the society . He put the sword in the sheath and engaged with individual duties and educating the individuals.
Activities of Imam Ali (A.S) in this period were/briefly as follows :
1- Worshiping God , according to the level of his holiness Ali (A.S).
2- Interpretation of the koran, solving religious problems and decreeing the rule of incidents that didn't have a resemblance along the 23 Years of the prophet's life.
3- Answering to questions of scholars from other religions and other towns.
4- Expressing the rule for many of the new events which didn't occur previously in Islam.
5- Solving the problems when the caliphate system faced dead ends in political matters and some other problems.
6- Educating and raising a group who have pure con science and prepared soal for spiritual journey.
7- Work and strife to secure the life of many of the poor and disabled to the extent that he would establish gardends and extract aqueducts and then would give them as endowments in the way of God.
Period of the caliphate of his holiness Ali (A.S) in the time of his holiness caliphate many wars occurred as Seffin, Jamal and Nahrawan which had specific consequences following.
After the war of Nahrawan and the suppression of the Kharijites. Some of the Kharijities among whom was Abdul-Rahman bin Moljam Moradi
and Barak bin Abdulla Tameemi and Amr bin Bakr-tameemi in one of the nights
got together and considered the ciruims tances of that time the blood-sheds and civil wars and
remembered Nahrawan and their deads and finally reached to this conclusion that the reason
for this blood-shed and brothers killing are his holiness Ali (A.S), Moawiah and Amr bin
Aass and if these three one removed the moslems will know there duties therefore, they concluded
the treaty that each one of them he responsible for killing one of the three.
Ibn Moljam undertook killing Imam
Ali (A.S) and on the ninetheenth night of the month of Ramadan accompanied with some stayed in the mosque of Koofa. That night his holiness Ali (A.S) was a guest of his doughter's and
was aware of the morning accident. When he mentioned this subject to his daughter. Om-Kolthoom said: Tomorrow send Joada to the mosque.
His holiness Ali (A.S) said: It is not
possible to escape the Godly decree, then he fastened his belt and while humming these two verses he went to the mosque.Fasten your back firmly for death Because death will meet you and
when death comes to you don't fear
or scream While his holiness Ali (A.S) was in prostation, Ibn Moljam hit him with the sword on his forehead and blood from his holiness head streamed in the
altar and blood dyed his honoured
beard. In this condition his holiness said: I swear by the God
of Kaaba that I won. Then reate verse 55 from soora Taha:From it we created you and into
it we shall send you back and from it we raise you a second time.
This holiness Ali was at his last moment
of his life still thinking of the welfare and happiness of the peoples adviced his chidlren relatives and all the moslems saying : Idvice
you of piety and to organize your deeds and always think of causing reconciliation among the moslems.
Dont forget the orphans, regard the
rights of the neighbours.Make Koran the practical programme for yourself.Respect (honour) praying because it is the pillar
of your religion.His holiness Ali (A.S) attained
martyrdom on the 21 st of the month of Ramadan and was burried in the honoured Najaf . His shrine became the tryst for the lovers of the truth and reality.
01- Soora Ahzab, verse: 21.
02- Foroogh welayat, p.35 (kashf Al-Ghoma v.1 , p.9)
03- Aftab welayat, p.19 (Al-Kharaej and Al-Jaraeh v.1 , p.171)
04- Aftab welayat, p.19 (Behar Al-anwar v.35 , p.18)
05- Aftab welayat, p.37 (seerah bin Hesham v.1 , p.236)
06- Aftab welayat, p.38.
07- Aftab welayat, p.131 (Soora Bakara , verse:148)
08- Aftab welayat, p.86 (Mostadrak Hakem v.3 , p.14 Isteeaab , v.3 , p.35)
09- Aftab welayat, p.141 (Soora Maeda , verse:47)
10- Aftab welayat, p.697.
11- Aftab welayat, p.697 (Behar Al-Anwar quoting from Amali , v.9 , p.650)
12- Aftab welayat, p.697.
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