imam zain ul abideen biography full

Name: Ali ibn Al-Husayn (a.s.)
Mother: Ghazala, Shahzanaan 
Kunniyat (Patronymic): Abu al-Hasan 
Laqab (Title): Zayn al-'Abidin, Al Sajjad 
Birth: He was born in 38 A.H. in Madina. 
MartyrdomHe died of poison in the year 94 or 95 A.H. at Madina and 
is buried at Baqi near his uncle Hasan (a.s.).
His Birth and blessings
The 4th Imam after Imam Hussain(a.s.) was his son Imam Ali Zain-al-Abideen(a.s.).
 His mother was Bibi Shahar Bano who was a princess from Persia, the daughter of the
 Kind Yazd Gard II. She was brought as a prisoner of war during the caliphate period 
of mam Ali(a.s.) during 31 A.H. and Imam Ali(a.s.) got her freed and married her to
 Imam Hussain(a.s.). Imam Zain-al-Abideen was born from this wedlock. She, however,
 died within 10 days of the birth of Imam Sajjad(a.s.).
His title Zain-al-Abideen was granted to him by the Holy Prophet(pbuh&hf) himself 
who mentioned that on the day of judgement a call for Zain-al-Abideen will be made 
and my son Ali bin al-Hussain(a.s.) will responde to the call saying "Labbaik". His other Title
, Syed-us-Sajideen, was given because of his devotion to prayers. He would pray for long 
durations specially during the nights and would pray a lot of prayers of gratitude - Namaz-e-Shukrana.
Imam Sajjad(a.s.) spent the first 2 years of his life under the care of his grandfater Imam Ali(a.s.)
 and after his death in 50 A.H., he was brought up under the care of the 2nd Imam Hasan(a.s.).
 Imam Sajjad(a.s.) was married to the Bibi Fatima(a.s.) -
 daughter of Imam Hasan(a.s.). Imam Hasan(a.s.) was martyred in 50 A.H.
 and the Imamate of Imam Hussain(a.s.) started which terminated on 10th Moharram 61 A.H.
 from where the Imamate of Imam Sajjad(a.s.) began.
Period of Imamate and events of Karbala
Imam Sajjad(a.s.) was about 22 or 23 years old when the sad event of Karbala occured.
 Since Allah(swt) mentions in his holy Book that this world cannot survive for a moment if there 
is no Masoom
 "Imam" present at all times, Allah(swt) arranged it such tha
t Imam Sajjad(a.s.) became severly ill during that battle and could not participate as a warrior.
 He asked the permission to fight in the battle but Imam Hussain(a.s.)
 told him that he had been assigned a different type of "Jihad" that was to start after the martyrdom
 of Imam Hussain(a.s.) - namely leading the women and children of the household of Prophet 
Mohammad(pbuh&hf) into the bazars and courts of Kufa and Damascus.
 Imam Sajjad(a.s.) was made a prisoner of war together with the whole family of the
 Prophet Mohammad(pbuh&hf).
 It was at this time that he was given the responsibility of Imamate 
and his was one of the most difficult times when any Imam was given 
this responsibility. Truly speaking, for him, it would have been very easy to die on the battle field
 as a martyr than to be taken as prisoner of war and see all the insult and humiliations thrown on
 him and on the womenfolk of the house of the Prophet. However, he did what Allah wished him to do
After the martyrdom of Imam Hussain(a.s.), the survival of Islam depended 
on Imam Zainul Abideen(a.s.), and that also at a tender age of 22. He had a
 very hard job of letting the world know the mission of Imam Hussain(a.s.) 
and exposing the evil intentions of Yazid and the Bani Umayyah. He had to keep
 the message of Islam alive and save it from being confused by the evil Bani Umayyah.
The army of Yazid treated him very badly by putting him in heavy chains.
 As a prisoner of war, he was made to travel on the open back of a camel in 
burning sunshine from Kerbala to Kufa and then from Kufa to Shaam (Damascus) -
 a distance of about 750 kilometres. 
Sometimes, he would be made to walk on the burning sands of the desert.
 This was not all. Women and children of the family of the
 Prophet Muhammad(pbuh&hf), too, were hand-cuffed and treated like they were slaves. 
The daughters of Imam Ali(a.s.) and Bibi Fatima(s.a.) 
were treated worse than criminals, their Hijabs were taken away from them.
 A caller accompanied them introducing them to the passersbys as
 "Those who had disobeyed the Muslim ruler, Yazid". They were then presented as prisoners
, first to Ibn-e-Ziyad in Kufa and then to Yazid in Damascus.
In the courts of Ibn-e-Ziyad and Yazid, Imam Sajjad(a.s.) gave lion-hearted lectures
 and presented the true Islam to the listeners and introduced himself and his accompanying members 
as the descendents of the Prophet Mohammad(pbuh&hf) and the leaders appointed by 
Allah(swt). His lectures had such an impact on the listeners that despite several attempts 
to kill him inside the court of both Yazid and Ibn-e-Ziyad could not materialize. Bibi Zainab(s.a.)
 and other women of the household of Prophet Mohammad(pbuh&hf) became the frontline
 protectors and were backed by the people in the court of Yazid who had still left some shame in them.
To quote one incidence, Yazid asked one of his employed preachersto go on the
 'Mimber' (pulpit) of the Mosque and abused Imam Ali(a.s.) and his family.
 When the preacher finished his lecture, Imam Sajjad(a.s.) turned to him and said
, "Be ashamed of yourself, you evil speaker. With your words you have displeased
 Allah so as to please people". Then the
 Imam(a.s.) asked Yazid to let him talk to the people. Yazid refused to do so
. The people of Syria, however, forced Yazid to allow the Imam to go on the Mimber.
Once on the Mimber, Imam Zain al-Abideen(a.s.) first praised Allah(swt) and His
 Messenger(pbuh&hf). After that the Imam gave along and very powerful speech letting
 the Syrians know the great position of Imam Husain(a.s.) to Allah(swt), 
and how evil Yazid and his family were. Part of the speech is summarised below:
"O listeners Allah has given us (Ahle Bart) six things which no one else has. 
He has given us special Wisdom, Patience, Dignity, Power of speech, Courage 
and Respect. He gave us special benefit of belonging to the family of his Prophet.
 To us belong Hamza and Jafar. To us belong Asadullah (The lion of Allah,
 Imam Ali(a.s.)). To us belong the leader of th
e youths of paradise (Imam Hassan(a.s.) and Imam Hussain(a.s.)).
"Those who know me, know me. Those who do not, then know that I am the
 son of Mecca and Mina. I am the son of Zamzam and Safa. I am the son of he 
who gave Zakat to the poor. I am the son of the best of those who have ever put on 
Ihram and performed ceremonies of Hajj
. I am the son of he who was taken on the night journey from house of Allah to the
 Mosque of Aqsa and then to Miraj. I am the son of he who was taken around by
 Gibrael to the Lote-tree of the boundary 
(Sidratul Muntaha).
"I am the son of Muhammad Mustafa(pbuh&hf). I am the son of Ali Al-Murtaza(a.s.) 
who fought the polytheists in the battle till they submitted to
 Islam and fought in the presence of the Prophet until his sword was broken and to
 whom Zulfikar was given. I am the son of he who had the honour to migrate twice in Islam.
 I am the son of Fatima the best women of the world...".
The effect of the speech was so powerful that everybody in the Mosque began to weep
 and to blame Yazid. Yazid was afraid that if the Imam continued his speech, there would be
 a revolution and revolt. At the same time Yazid could not stop the Imam and get him down
 from the Mimber. He therefore
 ordered a "Muazzin" to give Azan, knowing that this would automatically cut the Imam's speech.
 But he underestimated the Imam's bravery and intelligence. The Imam stopped his speech
 but did not get down from the Mimber. When the Muazzin said " Allahu Akber" the
 Imam testified Allah's greatness.
 When the Muazzin said, "Ash hadu anna Muhammaddan Rasulullah", the Imam 
stopped the Muazzin from going any further. He then turned to Yezid and asked him.
 "Tell me o Yazid, was Muhammad(pbuh&hf) your grandfather or mine? If you say he was your grandfather
 it will be an open lie and if you say he was my grandfather then why have you kille
d his son and imprisoned his family? Why have you killed my father and brought his women and children to this city as prisoners?"
Yazid had no reply to give.
The effect of this was to turn Syrians against Yazid. Everyone of them now found
 out about Yazid's crimes that he had committed against the Prophet (pbuh&hf)
 and his family. 
They began to blame him and ask for the release of Imam Zain al-Abidin(a.s.) and the womenfolk
 of the house of the Prophet. Yazid was now afraid that if he did not act fast his rulership would be lost

. He therefore freed Imam Zain al-Abidin(a.s.) and let. him return to Medina
 with full honour and respect.
His Life in Madina
Yazid had to free the Imam(a.s.) out of fear of his own rulership, therefore, 
Imam(a.s.) was still not completely safe from his evil designs even upon reaching
 back to Madina. Once in Madina, Imam(a.s.) gathered the people and told them
 the horrifying stories of Karbala and infor
med them that his father Imam Hussain(a.s.) and his companions were martyred
 and his family members were made prisoners and were taken from one city to another and branded as traitors.

Imam Sajjad(a.s.) started regular mourning session right from the day he arrived in 
Madina and apprised the people of the hard times that the family of the Prophet(pbuh&hf)
 had to to through. Day in and d
ay out, people used to go to Imam(a.s.) and present condolence and hear the 
events of Karbala. Once a visitor named Noman came to Imam(a.s.) and asked him
 which was the most difficult time he had to face and the Imam(a.s.) cried for a long time
 and three times said "AS-SHAAM AS-SHAAM AS-SHAAM". Another visitor asked him as to how long would he continue mourning and crying and he replie
d that Prophet Ayub(a.s.) had 12 sons and only one of them got lost and he know
 that he was still alive but he continued crying until his eyes became white and his back got bent - I had seen 17 members of 
my family being slaughtered around me like sheep and you ask me as to how lon
g I would continue mourning.
Another task that Imam Sajjad(a.s.) did after coming back from Syria was that
 he started praying and saying supplications with full devotion. His devotion was
 so strong and felt by his companions and visitors that they started collection his 
supplications which still exist by the name of SAHIFA-E-KAMILA.
 It is also know as SAHIFA-E-SAJJADIA. It consists of 54 Duas, 14 additional 
duas and 15 Munajaat. In addition to the SAHIFA there are several other supplications
 of the Imam(a.s.) which appear under different cover names.
His martyrdom
Imam(a.s.) kept his life very personal and preferred to stay in a town close to
 Madina from where he would preach the true religion of Allah(swt) quietly and with character.
 His character and preaching inspired a large number of people specially in the vicinity
of Madina and Makkah. Slowly the tyrrant rulers of his time began to realize the
 dangers that they faced from the Imam(a.s.)'s
 preaching and character. His period of Imamte was full of tyrant rulers such as Yazid untill 64 A.H.,
 Moawiya bin Yazid and Marwan bin-al-Hakam until 65 A.H, then from 68 A.H. until 86 A.H.
 was the rulership of Abdul Malik bin Marwan and finally from 86 A.H. until 96 A.H
. was the period of Walid bin Abdul Malik
. Amid this growing threat, Walid decided to poison and kill the Imam and finally he
 succeeded in his ulterior motives and Imam Sajjad(a.s.) was poisoned by the governor
 of Madina and martyred on 25th Moharram 95 A.H. (713 A.D.)
Permission for entering Jannat-ul-Baqi
Ziarat of Aimmah (as) in Baqi
Salwat on Imam Sajjad (as)
Sahifa Sajjadia - Duas from Imam Sajjad (as)

The Life of Imam Zaynul 'Abidin
Al Sahifa Al Sajjadiyya (PDF)

UrduSawaneh Imam Sajjad
ArticlesKarbala and the Imamat of the Fourth Imam
The Virtues of Imam Zayn al-Abidin (A.S.)
The Sermon of Imam Sajjad (A.S.) in Kufa
Maxims of Imam Zainul Abedin(A.S.)
Hadrat Shahrbano: The Reverend Mother of Imam Zayn al-Abidin(A.S.)
Sciences Disseminated by Imam Zayn al-Abidin(A.S.)
Students and Companions of Imam Zayn al-Abidin(A.S.)

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hadhrat <span style='background-color:yellow'>abbas</span>


The short life History of Hadhrat Abbas (as)

It was the fourth of Sha’ban in the year 26 AH. In the holy
 city of Medina, a man came running to the Prophet’s Mosque.
 He stood for a moment at the door looking among the worshippers for
some particular person.
He was excited and when he spotted the Prophet’s cousin
 and son-in-law, Imam Ali ibn Abi Taleb(PBUH), he rushed towards him breathlessly,
 shouting I have good news for you.The man was none other than Qanbar 
the faithful servant of the Imam. 
He wiped the sweat off his forehead and said: my master
 I am coming from your house now and God Almighty has
 blessed with another son. I have come to give you this good
 news and ask what should he be named. Happiness could be
 seen in the Imam’s eyes. He smiled and said this child has a high status before God.
 I will come home now. I will name this son Abbas like my Uncle. That day was the fourth of Shaban.
Many experts in psychology believe inheritance; education
 and the surrounding environment play important roles in forming human beings’ personality. 
In this regard, Hazrat Abbas grew up under special conditions.
He grew up in a house where worldly ornaments were not important,
 but which was filled with the light of God and love for humanity and its ethereal values. He grew up among brothers as noble as the Prophet’s two grandson Imam Hassan and Imam Hussein (pe ace be upon them). 
He grew up in a household on whom the Prophet had asked God to bestow His blessings. 
This house was the place of hope and refuge of the world.
It was the habit of Imam Ali (PBUH) to cultivate and irrigate the palm groves
 and then endow them to the needy. Abbas acquired these qualities from his father as well as from his brothers Imam Hassan and Imam Hussein (peace be upon them), the illustriou s sons of the Prophet’s impeccable daughter Hazrat Fatemah (peace be upon her) who had long expired.
He soon adorned himself with the highest human characteristics.
 Hazrat Abbas’ life was filed with knowledge and love.
He was wise and knowledgeable as well as tall, handsome and brave
. Among the Arabs it was a tradition to name beautiful children Qamar or moon.
 And Hazrat Abbas acquired the epithet of Qamar-e Bani Hashem or the Moon of the Bani Hashem Clan.He was also polite and patient and this was a reminder of his father’s words that No heritage is worthier than politeness.
Hazrat Abbas, who was brought up in such a congenial
 atmosphere never sat down without permission in front of his
 brothers Imam Hassan and Imam Hussein (peace be upon them).
He respected the high status of his brothers as the heirs of his father 
and the righteous successors of Prophet Mohammad (blessings of Allah
 be upon him and his progeny). Soon his knowledge and wisdom reached
 a level in which the scholars of his era become humble before him. Hazrat Abbas since his youth showed signs of bravery and courage alongside his father Imam Ali (PBUH).
During the Siffeen war against the rebel governor of Syria Mua’wiyah ibn Abu Sufyan
, when the enemies blocked water to camp of the Muslims, Hazrat Abbas
 who was in his early teens entered the battlefield with a veil on his face to hid his true identity. Mua’wiyah ordered one of his powerful men Abu Shasa to confront him.
The Syrian arrogantly said: People compare my bravery to a thousand riders,
 now you want me to fight this young boy? Abu Shasa sent his youngest son to confront him.
 But his son was soon defeated and killed. Abu Shasa then sent his other son, but to his surprise,
 he was also killed. Then Abu Shasa fuming with rage swallowed his proud words and personally 
entered the battlefield seeking to avenge the death in combat of his sons. But the boy was such valiant that he defeated him and made swift work of th e infidel.
At this sight, the Muslim army rejoiced and felt surprised at the bravery of the young masked lad. 
Imam Ali (PBUH) called the youth and took the mask off his face. Then everyone saw that the brave youth was no one but Hazrat Abbas.
During the era of Imam Hassan (PBUH), Hazrat Abbas stood steadfastly at his side despite the plots 
of the enemies to snatch away the political leadership of the Ummah from the Prophet’s elder grandson. Despite his courage, Hazrat Abbas always followed th e Imam and was patient.
He retired with the Prophet’s Household to Medina from Kufa in Iraq when the rebel Mua’wiya deceived
 the Iraqi people and forced Imam Hassan (PBUH) to sign a peace treaty relinquishing the caliphate. Ten years later when Imam Hassan (PBUH) was martyred through poisoning, the divine right of imamate came to rest on the shoulders of the Prophet’s younger grandson Imam Hussein (PBUH). Hazrat Abbas proved loyal and true to the Imam as always.
He was a faithful and trustworthy advisor. So devoted was Abbas that he never left the side of his
 beloved brother Imam Hussein (PBUH). The height of the greatness of the personality of Hazrat
 Abbas reached its peak in Karbala and the heroic martyrdom. In chaotic conditions when the people were entangled with worldly desires and succumbed to the offer of posts, he became the Imam’s flag bearer and led his troops.
Guarding the Imam, protecting the tents of the womenfolk of the Prophet’s household, caring for the children and making a sacrifice to bring water to the thirsty camp of Imam Hussein (PBUH) were among the most beautiful and epical manifestations of his l ife in Karbala.
In reality in Karbala Hazrat Abbas’ effort to satisfy God and carry out his duty, astonished 
the world. In Karbala Yazid’s troops cut the water supply to the Imam’s camp. When the young
 children could no longer tolerate thirst, Hazrat Abbas volunteered to bring them water. But this was
 almost impossible.
With his courage, he drove away hordes of enemies and reached the banks of the River Euphrates.
 Although he was thirsty himself, he never drank a drop of water. After filling the goatskin water-carrier, while he was making his way towards the Imam’s camp , the cowardly enemy attacked him from all sides. One of his hands was severed when he was struck from behind.
He fought single-handedly with his left arm, which was also severed by the Omayyud marauders
. Nevertheless, he spurred his horse towards the Imam’s camp hoping to take water to the thirsty children. Alas, he was not destined to do so. The enemies burst upon him like a pack of jackals and shot arrows in his eye 
and at his chest piercing the goatskin water-carrier and making the water flow on the ground.
Hazrat Abbas thus drank the cup of eternal martyrdom in this valiant name and the memory 
of this great sacrifice will remain eternal in history. In 10th muharam even many non-Muslims bow 
at the threshold of Hazrat Abbas in Karbala and beseech God Almighty t hrough him.
Imam Zain ol-Abedin says about his uncle Hazrat Abbas, My uncle Abbas will have such a high 
status before God on the day of resurrection that all the martyrs will envy him.

Titles of Hazrat Abbas (a.s.)

1-Qamar-e-Banihashem (The Moon Of Banihashem's Progeny)
This was his most famous nickname. The reason behind that was his good looking
 face which was resembled to the moon.
2-Saqqa' (The One Who Brings Water)
This is his another famous nickname.Since he was dealing with bringing water to Imam Hussein (A.S)'s 
camps and supplying Imam's thirsty children with water, he was given this nickname.
3-Hamel-ul-Lava' (The One Who Carries the Flags)
This nick name was given to him because he was the one who carried the flag in Imam Hussein (A.S)'s troop.
4-Raees-e-Askar-al-Hussein (the Commander of Imam hussain(a.s.)'s troops)
This nickname was given to him because he was the commander of Imam hussain (as.)'s troops.

Ziarat of Hazrat Abbas ibne Ali (as)
 Abbas The Standard Bearer of Husain
 Sacrifice and Courage of Hadrat Abbas (A.S.)
 Personality of Hadrat Abbas (A.S.)
UrduQamar Bani Hashim (Allama Zeeshan Haider Jawwadi)
Hazrat Abbas Alqaab ke Aainey Me
Hazrat Abbas ke Mojezaat



Imam Hussain (A.S) is the son of Imam Ali (A.S) and Fatima (S.A) the daughter of
holy Prophet MUHAMMAD (P.B.U.H).

He was the second grandson of the prophet MUHAMMAD (P.B.U.H) and he was the holy Prophet's third caliph successor, after his father and brother HASAN (A.s) Like his father and Brother, he was the Imam (Leader) of the people [on the instructions from ALLAH Almighty, prophet MUHAMMAD (P.B.U.H) announced the twelve Imams who would succeed him in leading the Muslim nation] Imam Hussain is the father of the nine Imams who followed him in succession.

He was born in Madina on the third of the month of Sho'ban, in the third year of Hijra - 624 CE.

On the day of Ashura, while suffering from extreme thirst, he was brutally killed and his head severed by the swords of the army of Yazid-bin-mawiyah on Saturday the 10th of Muharram in the year 61 after Hijra around 681 CE - in karbala, Iraq.

His son and successor, Imam Ali ibn HUSSAIN, ZAIN UL ABIDIN (A.S) prepared his headless body, after being left in the field for three days, and buried him in the fields of Karbala, where his shrine stands today.

The Holy Prophet has said in the praise of Imam Hasan and Imam Hussain (A.S)
"My two grandsons are the delights of my eyes."
"Hassan and Hussain are the leaders of the youth in Paradise."
"Hassan and Hussain are both Imams weather they rise up or not."

He was the most Knowledgeable and the best worshiper among the people of his time. He would pray one thousands Rak'ahs every night like his father, and on many nights he would carry sacks of food to the needy, to the extent that the marks of carrying heavy sacks were clearly vsible on his back after his death. He was very kind, had a great and forbearing personality, and was hard on those who disobeyed ALLAH.

When a bedouin Arab came to Imam Hussain seeking help he recited the following poem for
the Imam:

Disappointed will not be he who makes request from you.

For you are generous trustworthy and your father was the killer of profigate and  corrupt individuals.

If it was not for the former (members) of your (Family), We would still have been in  hell.

Then Imam Hussain (A.s), While avoiding eye contact with the man, gave him four thousand gold coins (Dinars) and apologized to the man saying:

Take this for I apologies to you, and rest assure that you have my sympathy
For if I were in a different situation and I had more (money) to offer you, I
Would have given you far more.

Through his courageous revolution, the like of which there has been none in the world,
he revived the Islamic Law and the religion of his grandfather, and furthermore he even revived
the whole world until the Day of Judgment. He is the leader of the martyrs and the best among
people after his elder brother.

Throughout his life the Muslims used to revere and adore Imam Hussain (A.S), and used to see in him what they had seen his grandfather, the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H). Their adoration for Imam Hussain was not just because he was the grandson of the prophet (P.B.U.H), but also because he was the manifestation of the teachings of Islam and the conducts of the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H), no one could fail to see examples of the highest moral qualities in his behavior.

The holy Prophet has said in the praise of Imam Hussain (A.S):
"Hussain is from me and i am from Hussain."

Chroniclers and historians have individually remarked that Imam Hussain was the maifestation of the best examples of noble manners and conduct, as well as his vast knowledge, which he inherited from the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H). His actions spoke before his words.
Imam Hussain (A.S) was humbly gracious and generous to the poor and those in need. He used to support what is right and fight what was wrong.. People always noticed such attributes
in his conduct and behavior as perseverance, forbearance, and magnanimity. He was the most pious and God-Fearig of all people of his time.

In his book Master of the people of Paradise Dr Ahmad Ashur says:
"If you browse through the pages of the Sihaah books you could not fail to come across many
ten of hadith about the merit and superiority of Imam Hussain (A.S) and the love of the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H) for him."

In his book "Al-fusul al-Muhimmah" Ibn al-sabbagh al-maliki, quotes Anas ibn Malik who said "I was with al-Hussain (A.S) when a servant entered and in her hand a bouquet of basil. She
saluted al-Hussain and gave him the bouquet. Al-Hussain (A.S) said to her "you are free for
the sake of Allah" I said to al Hussain "She gives you a bouquet of basil and salute you and
you set her free?' He said "This is how Allah has taught us! Almighty he says: "If you are
saluted, salute back in a better way of return the same salute" and the better way is to
set her free."

In his Chronicles, Ibn Asaakir reports that Imam Hussain (A.S) used to receive money (Khums and Zakat) from Basra and other destinations and he used to distribute the money between the poor and the needy there and then.

Imam Hussain (A.S) is best known for his revolt against the status quo. By that time the socio-political situation had deteriorated to an extreme and intolerable state, fundamental measures needed to be taken.

The main aim and objectives of Imam Hussain's revolt, which are in fact the aim and objectives of Islam at any time and in any place, may be summarized as follows:

* To bring about a responsible community in order to implement and convey the  message and teaching of Islam.

* To build an Islamic society which takes Islam as its sole source of reference.

* To rescue the Islamic civilisation from deviation.

This is because the Islamic Ummah (Community) suffered from various diseases in different domains:

* In the social domain it suffered widely from corruption bribery, cheating,  oppression, favoritism and nepotism.

* From the law and order point of view, the criminal was not being prosecuted, and  therefore crime was ripe.

* From the ethical viewpoint, they had turned the moral values upside down.

* From the economic viewpoint, the ruling elite and their cronies monopolized the  wealth of the nation.

For such reasons, and for the fact that the Muslims had remained indifferent to these issues to the extent that these had become the norm, that Imam Hussain (A.S) rose against the injustice and corruption that was being conducted in the name of Islam.

In the course of his jihad in the cause of ALLAH, Imam Hussain was brutally beheaded and his body mutilated, alongside his sons, relatives, and some seventy of his followers. Furthermore the women and children, who were subsequently captured, including Imam Hussain's sisters Zainab alayhas-salam and Umm-e- Kolsoom alayhas-salam as well as Imam Zainul abidin (A.S), were taken as prisoners and paraded in towns and villages as villains.

And since then movement of Imam Hussain (A.S) inspired the reform movements against despot rulers all over the world and the Muslims continue to reap the fruit of the event of Karbala and every year during the month of Muharram the memory of Ashura is commemorated with vigour by hundreds of millions of Muslims all over the world.

As it was mentioned earlier, Imam Hussain (A.S) was the third of twelve Imam who succeeded the holy prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H). On instructions from Allah Almighty, prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) announced the twelve Imam who would succeed him in leading
the Muslim Ommah (Nation). Although at the time of the prophet Muhammad, only the first three Imams were alive, however, the prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) named all twelve Imams who have been appointed as the Ma'soom Imam or Leaders. The first caliph (Successor) of the prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) whom he appointed to lead the Ommah after him was Imam Ali (A.S). The prophet appointed Imam Ali (A.S) immediately after his last pilgrimage, in Ghadir Khum, and instructed the Muslims to pay homage of allegiance (Bay'ah) to Imam Ali (A.S) as the Imam and the leader of the Muslims, and commander of the faithful, Amir-ul-Mu'minin, which they dutifully did. Given the number of people present at the time, some reports put the figure at more than one-hundred-and- twenty-thousands, it took more than three days for them to pay the homage of allegiance of Imam Ali (A.S).

The names and title of the twelve Ma'soom Imams are as follows (year of birth given in brackets):

1. Imam Ali, Amir-ul-Mu'minin (A.S), (10 BH, 600 CE)
2. Imam Hassan al-Mujtaba (A.S),  (2 H, 623 CE)
3 Imam Hussain Al-Shahid (A.S), (3H, 624 CE)
4. Imam Ali Ibn Hussain, Al-Sajjad / Zain ul Abidin (A.S), (28 H, 649 CE)
5. Imam Muhammad Ibn Ali Al-Baqir (A.S), (57 H, 676 CE)
6. Imam Ja'far Ibn Muhammad Al-Sadiq (A.S) (83 H, 702 CE)
7. Imam Mosa Ibn Ja'far Al-Khadim (A.S) (128H, 745 CE)
8. Imam Ali Ibn Mosa Al-RAZA (A.S) (148 H, 765 CE)
9. Imam Muhammad Ibn Ali Al-Jawad (A.S) (195 H, 810 CE)
10. Imam Ali Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadi (A.S) (212 H, 827 CE)
11. Imam Hasan ibn Ali Al-Askari (A.S) (232 H, 846 CE)
12. Imam Muhammad Ibn Hasan Al-Mahdi / Al-Hujjah / Sahib Al Zaman (A.S) and  may Allah hasten his reappearance

The Twelfth Imam, Imam Mahdi (A.S) is alive but "Hidden" from the views of general public, and by the will of Allah he will reappear to fill the world with justice, after it has been overwhelmed by tyranny and injustice. Imam Mahdi was born in 255 Hijra, 868 CE, and he went in to occultation when his father Imam Hassan Al-Askari was killed by the abbasi ruler in 260 Hijra, 873 CE.

Note:- Article taken from the book Al-HUSSAIN written by imam shirazi.